- I started and finished the web design of my website in 8 hours.
- I decided to change my career completely and picked a coaching program within a week, after a long time of overthinking things.
- A 100% of the potential clients I talked with started working with me, after consultations I did using the script and the methods I learned in the program.
- It took me under 3 hours to create my first blog post having English as a third language and having no writing experience at all.
But the most significant change for me was intangible: my self-perception completely transformed.
– Dennis Guyvan, a graduate of the program
– Evan Correy, a graduate of the program

Sasha Raskin is an amazing coach. He helped me get my small business off the ground and expand in ways I could never have done on my own in that amount of time. He provided me with the tools to challenge outdated limiting beliefs I had about myself & gave me very concrete guidance in expanding my business. Thank you so much Sasha, I could never have done this without you
– Sophia O'Connor, a graduate of the program

- I moved from graduate student to professional psychotherapist with a private practice, and legal and organizational matters handled (like Simple Practice)
- I built a website I am proud of, and I now understand the marketing journey, I have a good metaphor for it (hunter-gatherer/farmer/barter) and I can launch a googleads campaign
- Went from 0 to 9 clients in my first year of private practice, along with getting married, buying a house, moving and having a baby and another part time job
- I currently have 17 5stars Google reviews that feel authentic
– Fabio Fina, a graduate of the program
– Juana Rincon, a graduate of the program

I loved the bonus course about using the calendar and organizing things. I also happy that now I have that check list of what to do to organize my practice in a smart way. I have done part of it, what’s possible and necessary In Russia. Excited to start applying the marketing tools from the second week 🙂
By the way, your advice to post on the FB that I’m looking for clients with a particular request worked out 🙂 One existing client bought a course of 3 trainings to relief the shoulder ache 🙂
The funny thing about all that is this: Nothing is rocket science and I kinda knew or heard about many things, but never applied them persistently. I needed to enroll on your course, make a decision, pay money and only then started to improve my business. It’s fun how the mind works 🙂
Thank you much for your work, Sasha! I appreciate the combination of practicality and humane attitude in your courses. And the first results appeared already 🙂
– Max Podolskhiy, a participant in the program (2 weeks in the program)